

Every support less than 500 LBC is considered a tip.
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LBC price

0.00000004 BTC
0.00283000 USD
Slobodný vysielač
Total earnings
All time 49.73 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: 625a538c378994ed0969607df1c0b948ce91eb57
Total followers
Today -1223
* all historical values for other currencies are based on current LBC price
Total tips for 2024-7 0.07 LBC
Compared to previous month -0.11 LBC

Ako ďalej ? 69
Total content tips
All time 10.82 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: 9e586c37e71ea0ac89c4098d076470033d987fa2
Publication Charts
Vzdelávanie pre dospelých 239
Total content tips
All time 1.23 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: a829c2b2b2b5da70f3f157ba051df1ed87f3fce0
Publication Charts
Sám sebe lekárom 260
Total content tips
All time 2.64 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: 8f0e0d4c04453bd79c937151bbc269f2237f4842
Publication Charts
Literárna čajovňa 220
Total content tips
All time 0.47 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: fdc1448bc7fd81eff665bf3f7b7220e0269b2a7e
Publication Charts
Sám sebe lekárom 259
Total content tips
All time 1.24 LBC
Today 0.00 LBC +0.00%
Claim ID: ded270afd419f932789b916f37bf6149022bde90
Publication Charts

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