
2021-04-23 - Publications’ views missing during April 2021

Due to ChainQuery bug that happened around 2021.03.30., some of your publications were not available through ChainQuery, meaning LBRYLytics did not have a proper list of publications to use when querying views from LBRY API.

For you, the user, this means that some or many of your publications might have been affected and do not have view data from 2021.03.30 until 2021.04.22, when the bug was resolved.

There is no way this data could be reconstructed at this moment.

2021-03-25 - links removed

Channel and publication links to are removed from all views on LBRYlytics, including the random embed tool, which now defaults to . For more info, read below:

The end of (and the future of LBRY on the web)

2020-08-06 - Publishes’ views count issue

Midnight crunching script did not finish properly in last 3 runs (August 04., 05. and 06.).

First 2 days (August 04. and 05.) it missed processing around 10000 publishes’ views and on the 3rd run (August 06.) it missed 27000 publishes out of 81000.

As a result you might notice data gaps in your publishes’ views graphs if your publishes were coincidentally in the affected sets.

Script is now improved to execute multiple instances of itself as a background process, each instance processing at most 100 channels with all belonging publishes.

I will keep my eyes on this for next few runs to make sure it is stable.

I also did a manual run of the script 2AM UTC after the fix was deployed (usual run is at 00:00 UTC), so in essence if your publish(es) were affected, it will be for 2 days data points, not 3, with 3rd day 2 hours off, which is better than no data 🙂

LBRY Analytics